Refund Policy


To qualify for a refund, items must be received back within 14 calendar days (as printed on your packing slip) in the United States. We will process the refund for the full cost of the item(s), but cannot reimburse original or return shipping costs. Items must be in new condition.

Returns for store credit must be received back within 21 calendar days of your original shipment date (as printed on your packing slip). Items must be in new condition.

Please contact us before putting your return in the mail so that it will be processed properly. We also want to know it's on its way, and it's important to us that we do whatever possible to resolve any issues.

If you have any questions about an item, please feel free to get in touch before you purchase. Any questions or concerns can be sent to

By ordering through this website you acknowledge you have read and agree to the terms of service.


To qualify for a refund, items must be received back within 60 calendar days of your original order shipment date (as printed on your packing slip). We will process the refund for the full cost of the item(s), but cannot reimburse original or return shipping costs, or any customs or international tax fees. Items must be in new condition.

Returns for store credit must be received back to our Fulfillment Center within 90 calendar days of your original order shipment date (as printed on your packing slip). Items must be in new condition.

Please contact us before putting your return in the mail so that it will be processed properly. We also want to know it's on its way, and it's important to us that we do whatever possible to resolve any issues.

If you have any questions about an item, please feel free to get in touch before you purchase. Any questions or concerns can be sent to

By ordering through this website you acknowledge you have read and agree to the terms of service.